Flaška supports the POM (Brain Health Awareness Project)
The POM is a long–term oriented project whose main purpose is to “encourage healthy people to actively think about the health of their brains”. The incentive or idea for the project arose on the basis of experiences in working with individuals with injuries or other health problems, as the initiators ascertained “that there is a gap in Slovenia which can be filled with additional preventive education activities which would help prevent injuries from occurring altogether”. You can read more about the project on their website www.pom.si.
Drinking water is directly related to brain health. After all, water constitutes 80% of this organ. The functioning of brain cells is dependent upon adequate hydration — when you are dehydrated, the brain cannot properly perform its functions, you experience trouble concentrating, your capacity to memorize information and perform basic arithmetic brain functions is impaired. You can read more on the importance of drinking an adequate amount of water for brain health and functionality on the For Health portal and Psychology Today.
The BHAP long–term project is often enriched with individual campaigns and activities. An example of this is the competition “The young, the brains of Europe”, which will take place from September 2011 to April 2012. On the initiative of the participants, we at 4 Vivus have decided to support the project. Considering the above–mentioned facts in relation to the importance of drinking water for brain health and the potential of the Flaška bottle in this respect, our participation almost goes without saying. Flaška bottles will therefore be among the various prizes which will be received by the participating children.
We wish the organizers good luck and hope they will carry on the good work!